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I set up my first yoga class in 2018 at St. Mary's Church and Beeston Parish Centre, and now just teach two classes in the south of Leeds.

When you attend my class, my wish is for you to experience a session based on mindfulness: to focus on your breath, turn your awareness inward, listen to your body, open your mind for reflection and contemplation, consider nature and the planet, and above all, enjoy an hour of pure self-care. It is a rare opportunity to practice compassion and kindness toward the body you are living in.

If you leave my class feeling de-stressed, relaxed, and interested in what you've heard, then my job is done. Along with mindfulness, I aim to weave some of the deeper, philosophical, and subtle aspects of yoga into my classes, focusing on yoga as a whole rather than just physical movement.

If this interests you, please join me for yoga.


Join me to nourish your mind, body and spirit.

Weekly classes are as follows:


Monday afternoon:

South Leeds Live At Home Scheme

St Andrews Church, Cardinal Rd, Beeston, LS11

Hatha Yoga 1.45 - 2.45pm

Pay cash to MHA on the day £5.

(Please note that this class starts at 2.15pm every 6 weeks, so please make contact to check class time before attending.)

Everyone welcome.


Thursday evening:

Hatha Yoga 6.30 - 7.30pm (£8.50)

South Leeds Conservative Club, Beeston LS11 7JH

(Please contact me to book on.)


Please don't hesitate to contact me by phone, text, WhatsApp or email to ask any questions you may have about any of the above.


If you would like to join me for yoga or sound relaxation, but cannot afford it and are experiencing hardship, please message me directly.

Don't ever let money be a reason for not coming to class, you will always be welcome.

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